Thursday, November 4, 2010

Counting the Votes!

Katelyn voted for the first time yesterday.  This is a big deal in our house. From the time our girls were babies they have been in the voting booth with Rich or myself  getting a little mini-civics lesson.  As with anything, when you invest you are interested...feel ownership.  So she voted, put her sticker on her shirt, and then went off to work. Within a couple of hours she texted me asking about certain races. I thought to myself...job well done Richard (because my husband is the driving force behind making certain that our children understand the importance of this privilege/responsibility)!

We went to a victory party for a congressional candidate.  I watched with interest as hundreds of people gathered and made small talk with one eye always on the big screens waiting for returns.  The air was electric with music, teenagers danced, news crews roamed through the crowds filming.  The candidate's wife did the honors...introducing the new congressman to a very appreciative crowd.  His speech was heartfelt and integrity-filled and hopeful. Mr. Southerland goes to Washington with great hopes that something can be done to ensure our great nation moves forward.  My prayers are with him.

But this morning it is a relief to watch a bit of the news and not have to endure ridiculous campaign commercials!  Campaign signs will soon be gone too...Mr. Patronis, newly re-elected, is giving the Bay High baseball team $1.00 for every one of his signs they turn in (too bad it is not for all of the signs ha ha)! ...And life goes on...

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