Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Preparing to be an Empty Nester!

This is for all of you who think I have a handle on this empty nest phase I am about to enter...I went into Hobby Lobby to buy one thing...

...None of this was on the list of the one thing I went in to buy!  But this stuff will make a really cool scrapbook of our Girls' trip to Europe this summer...right?

Feeling the need for some retail therapy and scrapbooking!!


  1. Have you tried digital scrapbooking? Diving into the waters of it with my first scrapbook for Aubrey. I'll let you know how that goes! There's always a place for you and Rich in Dallas!

  2. I have tried...once...I think I need a tutorial!! Thanks for the invite...we will take you up on that at some point :) Kim
