Monday, August 22, 2011

Katelyn's New Home In Nashville :)

We followed the Vanderbilt packing rules...everything boxed and marked!

Will all of this plus the three of us fit in the car?

 Saturday morning 8:30 am we are in line waiting to be directed to Murray House where the move in crew will unload and move Katelyn in. It happened sooooo fast I didn't get a picture (which I am pretty certain thrilled Kate ;)

 After unloading and unpacking we went to Target to get shelves, under bed storage, extra pillows for the bed, more hangers...Chelsea and I finished up while Kate and Rich went to the reception for the school of Engineering...By 5 pm we were done and ready for the big house dinner in the tent!

Sunday morning we snagged Kate for breakfast at the hotel, went grocery shopping and took a few pictures before saying good-bye! Roommate you ask..yes she has one...Berkley is from California and I was hoping to get a picture of the two of them however she was doing the same stuff we were and so our paths didn't cross after the first morning of chaos :)

Katelyn had a busy day ahead of her on Sunday as she started orientation...we headed home...after a trip to the bookstore for some Vandy essentials :)

1 comment:

  1. And so another really cool Dodd chick's life hurls into the future where she will discover beautiful and exciting things. Sue
