Friday, March 9, 2012

Five For Friday


Friday...time for some weekend fun and Five For Friday...

1) I have been RElearning the game of chess.  Rich and I set up the board last weekend and after reviewing the rules we played a couple of games in which he did nothing drastic (like checkmate within 4 moves)....Of course as we continue to play he lets me make the move and then instructs...I am missing a lot of obvious moves at this point!! 

2) St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner so we are "puttin on the green"...

We have been going to our dear friends the Delaneys for St. Patrick's dinner for well over a decade now.  As the girls have grown and all gone off to college we have become very laid back about it all...sometime during the month of March when the largest group can gather we have our traditional dinner of Corned Beef (and potatoes and or cabbage) and Soda Bread.  This is an acquired taste kind of menu but we all love it (except Pam...but she cooks it anyway :)
This year the dinner is tomorrow night so Megan, Chelsea, and Katelyn will be able to come as well as Rich's mom and dad!  I am doing dessert this year and have chosen something special I found on Pinterest...more about that in the next post...but it it will incorporate chocolate and mint! 

This particular shade of green is not a color everyone has hanging in the closet to wear, so I jumped on these sweet little green shamrock earrings at the Brighton store over in Destin Commons last month. They had 4 pairs left so we will be covered for dinner tomorrow night and I will send Nicole her pinches for us ;)!!

3) While I am on this Irish is a book recommendation for all of you that love a series, a family saga, history, and a good love story...

In the first book we meet the villagers of Ballynockanor including
the lovely widow Kate Donovan Garrity and the stranger in town named Joseph...

I loved this series...maybe it is time to read it again??!!

4) Finally, finally after almost a year of talking about and looking for it...I have found my new "office" is on its way and will look beautiful in the sun room and will be used daily for years and years to come! 

this is a picture of it in the Wisteria catalog

 5) This weekend ushers in Daylight Savings Time...that means the clock SPRINGS forward an hour...which typically means a lot of people are late for church on Sunday morning! It seems like this clock has already sprung loose!!

I hope you enjoy your weekend whatever it may bring!!