Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Day at the Zoo...

On Claire's last day of her "Spring Break" Pop and I took her to Zoo World to see the animals.  She is still too young to understand what we mean when we say we are going to the zoo!  But she loves animals so off we went! 

There were lots and lots of monkeys including this rather interesting guy who had only one tooth...Claire wasn't too impressed!

 Tigers and lions, however, are a different story (thank you Lion King)!!

                   She liked the giraffe and enjoyed feeding it with Pop...we didn't get a picture, but I actually fed it the traditional way...food in outstretched hand

        Pop bought her a "lion king" but she wanted to ride the real one and wasn't too happy about leaving without accomplishing her goal!!

 No worries...we were pretty certain that the park would distract her! All the slides and bridges did the trick!

That evening we went over to the Old Florida Fish House  for dinner.
Claire is the typical girl...must put her "lipstick" on!

                           A wonderful end to a wonderful week :)

On Saturday morning Nicole, David, and Claire headed back to Birmingham and so ends our official spring break 2012...before I know it Chelsea and Katelyn will be home for summer!!