Monday, October 1, 2012

Here It Is...The Finished Library and Some Apple Pie!

I told you about the Library Reveal and then nothing... Sorry about that, I was sick the first week and didn't get to go to Girls Inc.  Last week I went, we read books, made apple pies, and even wrote a poem; but my computer crashed on Wednesday and spent a couple days with the I.T. guy!

So here it is October 1st...this is the first day of my favorite three months of the year!  It is rainy and threatening severe storms this morning so it looks like no morning walk for me.  With a cup of coffee in hand I will take you on a tour of the library and let you in on some of the fun we have been having!

This is the before...
and the after...
We have been learning poetry and writing poetry...
I read aloud Amelia Bedelia's First Apple Pie
With the help of my mother-in-law, Mary, my friend
Pam, and three apple /peeler/ corer/ slicers...
The girls turned out three lovely apple pies!

Pie and Ice Cream...can't be beat :D


  1. So awesome, Kim! I know you are making such a difference in those girls' lives!

    1. Thank you Renee! I love being with these girls. You know what they say about us can take the girl out of the classroom, but you can't take the teacher out of the girl :D
