Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding..Anyone?

A long, long time ago I was enamored by all things European...especially British and French.  My fascination may have started at my grandmother's house with her beautiful Blue Willow (Johnson Bros. England) dishes and  I distinctly remember watching the recap of Prince Charles and Diana's wedding with my grandmother. 

My love of the royal Brits obviously remained in tact and somehow spilled over onto my girls because when we when got our cocker spaniel back in 1997, Nicole named him Prince William and he quickly became Wills...

That same month Princess Diana died in the fatal car crash in Paris.  We were in Orlando at the time and I remember sitting up late into the night watching until the news that she had died was announced.
Of course I had to watch the funeral and so stayed up (or probably got up) in the wee hours of the night and paid my respects with a formal sister-in-law, living on the west coast at the time, did the same! 

In March of 1998 I made my first trip to London and Paris with a well-traveled friend. We had just finished work on the American Heart Ball Gala (the theme was An Evening In Paris).  It was a 6 month job...and at the end we decided on a celebration trip! Tracy made certain that I saw all of the important things in London...

In Paris we were walking about and actually happened upon the tunnel where Diana's accident happened.  We wouldn't have known if this memorial hadn't been there.

I returned to England with Nicole after she graduated from high school in 2000.  We had a fabulous time together.  We both kept a journal of our trip and back in the states a local magazine published an article with excerpts from our journals about the trip.

So here it is all these years later.  Admittedly, I have lost touch with the in my own little kingdom has been busy enough!  But I find that I am drawn to the news shows about the upcoming wedding and have enjoyed this last week going down memory lane. 
Today I am heading up to Auburn to attend an award ceremony for Chelsea.  We will go to dinner (and she has already informed me that it must be a restaurant with TVs because it is DRAFT DAY)!!
Also on the agenda...we are going to pack up her kitchen tonight (next Friday she moves home for the summer) and we will stay in our favorite...The Hotel at Auburn University.  Chelsea has decided that we are going to set our alarms and get up at 3:00 or 4:00 or whatever time and watch the royal wedding!!  I am wondering if I can possibly find a place today to buy a couple of hats or at least tiaras to wear!!  I am also wondering if I can possibly get up in the middle of the night and stay awake and might room service deliver breakfast at 4:00am?!!! Regardless, I will still dvr and maybe I will get to watch the events twice!!

So, whether or not you are a royal watcher...I hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane...I have to say I am feeling a bit stalker-ish!! 

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