Monday, April 4, 2011

Prom Weekend!

Prom Weekend has come and gone...This is the third senior prom that I have experienced as a mom of 3 girls. My experience has shown me that it is the aha moment in which our children (now young women and men) realize that the end of something is near...They have spent the last nine weeks (or maybe nine years:) moaning about how "over it all" they are.  Yes, for the most part they are referring to alarm clocks, classes, tests, teachers, polo shirts, deadlines...they just want it to be done and move on.  And then, Prom happens along.  Dates are sorted out, dresses bought or borrowed, tuxes ordered, flowers chosen, hair appointments made, nails done, picture parties planned, dinner reservations made, post prom party plans thrown is a whirlwind.

Finally the big day arrives and it happens...all together, dressed beautifully, the obligatory pictures are out of the way and suddenly there is this flurry to get a picture with...the hugs are tighter, the smiles a little more whistful and sincere. Once again that rite of passage happens. No matter what has gone before there is that sense of bonding that happens with the seniors.  From this moment on everything they do until well after graduation will be about making some sort of memory...stalling for time.

For all the drama that can accompany this tradition it has its place and does its job remind us all that every now and then you have to stop and enjoy where you are...cause this too shall pass!

Kate got her hair done by a long time family friend...Rachelle. It turned out beautiful but not too perfect...exactly what both of them wanted :)

She wore Sorelli jewelry...elegant and beautiful...and fabulous shoes that she loves and can walk in!


She went to Prom with a friend...the best kind of date!

Sometime in the wee hours of the night after the dance and the parties, they arrived at our condo where a big breakfast awaited...

Sigh...the end of an era for me :)


  1. I love the new look of your blog!!! What sweet prom pictures you took. Where is the beautiful white house in the background located?

  2. Thanks...Chelsea came to my rescue as I tried for about 3 days to see how messed up I could get my blog!!

    One of Kate's friends MaryBeth lives three streets down from us and that is her house and her grandmother's (next door). Great place for late afternoon pics!!

  3. Such great pictures of a sweet and beautiful young woman! I love that you did the breakfast after prom! My mom did that for us and it's still my favorite memory from the whole event. The blog looks great, too!

  4. Love all of your prom pictures! Katelyn was just gorgeous! I know you must be so proud of her!

  5. Kim, Love your new look and loved all the prom pictures. They all looked perfect and it sounds like the senior prom was a success. Cindy
