Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Alphabetically Speaking

Every now and then I think back to my days as a teacher.  Sometimes I miss the smallest things... the chalkboards and whiteboards but not Smartboards...too complicated for my liking. I loved picture books, chapter books,  but not really workbooks. And I loved the ALPHABET...does that seem strange?  I think it had something to do with handwriting...I always loved handwriting class as a student (maybe it was my best subject ha ha) and really wanted to stomp my foot and throw a fit when they went to the modern print/cursive style of  D'Nealian handwriting (by this time I was a teacher ;).  Look how teach it... to learn it... to move from manuscript to cursive. I am not too certain the D'Nealian generation ever moved beyond chicken scratch with tails at the end...but maybe those were just the many students I had through the years! 

Ah well this is not even a post about handwriting...but rather the alphabet, so back to the subject!  I loved when all the world was into the Alphabet style book... S is for Sunshine... A is for America...Journey Around Boston from A to Z...  The other day my husband and I were talking and he told me that a long distance running tip is to go through the alphabet and think of something you are thankful for for each letter...a is for angel food cake, b is for banana splits...c is for coconut cake (seems more like a dessert list than a thankful list but remember we're running a marathon here, so we are possibly delirious and most definitely have been deprived of anything remotely sweet for months)!

Why am I rambling on you ask...I am going to start a new series on my blog called Alphabetically Speaking.  Who knows where this will lead, but I've got a list started in my head that I want to talk about...alphabetically.

Here are a few of my very favorite alphabet books that I've collected through the years.

You gotta love a good picture book that teaches some simple facts!

I hope that you will look forward to monthly posts with an alphabetical twist! Next month's will be all about graduating from high school!


  1. You do have the perfect teacher handwriting down pat, as does Kate! I will never forget walking into first grade open house at HNES and seeing Kate's papers... then I looked at Jordan's ... and then the panic set in! lol!

    Becky rushed over and said "she's the daughter of a teacher, she's the daughter of a teacher! Jordan is doing just fine!" Too funny, she must have seen the look of pure distress on my face! :)

    Love the alphabet books. Have you read Animalia by Graeme Base? Wonderful illustrations!

  2. OMG Kathy that is so funny...Kate and her letter perfect printing puts mine to shame!!

    What a great teacher Becky Culpepper was...our girls were sooooo lucky to have her for first grade :)

    I have not seen that book but will check it out!
