Tuesday, March 22, 2011

11 in 11...Book Club Update for March!!

Before March roars out the door like the lion it has been, I thought I should do an update on the books I am...and am not reading!!  First off, if you are new to the blog...get the details by clicking on the page in my sidebar (11 in 11...My Bookclub)!  I have to admit that unlike the old days when I could pick up a book and read it to the very end within a day or two...that doesn't happen much anymore.  I get easily distracted and I really do think that aging hasn't helped...No longer can I pile into bed with a good book and plow through chapter after chapter until the wee hours of the morning (in part because my eyes can't focus with that little bitty book lite and my husband is a much lighter sleeper these days and any light wakes him up)!  I have read two books this month not on my list... Rescue by Anita Shreve and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I do love to have a book at the ready...

So to update...In February I was supposed to read A Tale of Two Cities .  I have started it and read it periodically...which is to say when I am fully awake and feel like an English teacher!!  I will probably take most of the spring to finish it (but then I do vaguely remember how it ends so there is no real sense of urgency here) and so I have moved on down my list...I am supposed to be starting a series and this is the one I chose...

It is the story of the life of Josephine Bonaparte.  The story begins on an island in the Caribbean...Josephine is 14 years old...

 "June 23, 1777~ I am but fourteen today and unmarried still. Without a dowry, what hope is there? Mother says the wind takes hope and dashes it into the sky, just as the big wind took our house, picked it up and dashed it, leaving nothing but debts in its place."
...from The Many Lives & Secret Sorrows of Josephine B.

Already I am wondering...how does she get from the Caribbean to France?  So this book will go with me to New Orleans on Thursday...I will have travel time in the car and maybe a few minutes here and there to read while celebrating Rich's 50th birthday with his mom and dad on a trip down memory lane...more about that later!

Also on my book list for April was the new testament of the Bible.  I began that in early March and actually started reading it daily on my phone...

but I am an old-fashioned girl...and I just wasn't feeling the love while I was working toward my goal. 

I went back to my dearest bible...purchased in the early 90's.   It has been read, studied, pondered, and loved til it can't be carried about unless in a zippered case because its pages are literally falling out of it!

So much of my development as a Christian is documented in the pages of this book...and I am so glad I was one of those who didn't prescribe to the ...."never write in the Bible..."
and yes... I even let my girls draw pictures during church services (although I think some of their best artwork is in their dad's bible :)...

So there it is...now how is it going for you?  I really am curious if anyone has as much difficulty keeping to a list as I do? Also, if you have read something really excellent...let the rest of us know!


  1. I'm still in Beach Music (my book for February) and know it's not going to get much better in T-minus 1 month when Baby Cristina arrives. I'm doing a lot of reading, but not from my list. It's mainly been my Bible Study (currently 1-3 John, Titus, and Jude) and baby books central. These days are spent working on some craft projects, organizing the nursery, working on my pregnancy scrapbook, and I'm supposed to start a blog this week! Trying to read a little from Beach Music each day though and loving it more and more. : )

  2. Firstly - welcome back, I missed reading your blog over Spring Break!

    Second- you need a Kindle woman! They are the absolute best, I really thought I would hate it b/c I LOVE my books... but I don't miss holding one -at all! Just a few great things about it, you can increase the font size (hugely helpful if you're as blind as I am), look up words instantly in the dictionary and most books are only $9.99! you must try it, maybe Rich needs a birthday gift?? :)

    Thirdly - the book reading has sort of stalled out a bit for me as I am struggling to get through Atlas Shrugged. Loved it at first and was really into the plot. I was thinking I must be almost through with it (b/c the plot was wrapping up nicely) when I looked down at my Kindle and at stated I was only 17% finished...WHAT?! Yes, if it can be said in 20 words Ayn Rand can say it in 60! It is a good read but verrryyy repetitive, I get it- the Govt. is socialist at heart.... I will get to the end though and soon.

    I finished Glass Castle and as I said at the end of the last post... our kids have nothing to complain about!! What an amazing story, it makes me wonder if it's not a bad idea to do a little less for our kids!
    I also finished World War Z, seriously not for the squeamish, but it was suprisingly good! You actually start to believe that something like this could happen... sort of. I however now have a zombie survival plan in place, just in case! ;)

    Next book, We Die Alone. And I am recording this in my bibliophile Kim!! Can't wait to hear how far along every one else is. :)

  3. Amy I will give you a kitchen pass for about 4 years!!!! You have to get through that last burst of nesting energy while you've got it :) Okay, for what it is worth...be careful about reading toooooooo much about babies as it might make you nuts...they need food, dry diapers, minimal clothing, a safe bed, sleep, and love! Let me know as soon as you are ready to launch your blog...so excited!!!

    Kathy~ my hats off once again...we listened to Atlas Shrugged last spring break during our trek across the southeast looking at colleges with Kate! I am pretty certain I would have done some skimming otherwise!! Rich totally agrees with you that the book could have been cut down by at least a third! Nicole loves the whole zombie thing and I happen to know of at least one survival plan of hers(which involves SAMS)HaHa...she might have to check out that book!!
