Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday Morning Thoughts

This morning at bible study we started Max Lucado's John 3:16.  I've been in more than a few bible studies and women's groups in my time...loved them all for different reasons.  This group I love because it spans three generations of women. It is comforting to have women who have "been there, done that" all in the name of family, love, careers, health, loss...These women come into the study each week full of joy for the Lord.  Can't help but thinking...what great role models.

There are younger women in our group, some single, some married with very young families. They are full of life...swapping stories about the latest milestone, job, car, grocery store find...Some are on fire; some are putting out fires. They bring back sweet memories of bible study days of old with my friends!

The women in my age group (the tweeners) are dealing with empty expenses...ending careers...starting new careers and just trying to figure out what to do next with all of the possibilities. 

Sitting there this morning I was strongly aware that I wasn't in a room full of my close friends; those women who know my story...BUT I was in a room full of women who know God and were brought together for a purpose. As the weeks unfold so will possibilities...those of God.  It's a good place to be I think.

So, here is my question to you...what small group are you in? What are you studying?  What do you love about it? Leave me a comment...curious minds want to know!

1 comment:

  1. I am a bible study junkie. I am in three bible studies. My first one meets on Tuesday morning at 5am. It is Beth Moore's new study "Revelations." A little too deep for that early in the morning but I love Beth. My Tuesday evening study is "Bad Girls of the Bible," by Liz Curtis Higgs. This is my favorite study. We spend about three months on one chapter. It has been a great study. On Wednesday evening I get together with my Catholic girls. We are currently studying about Paul. We have read several books, watched several videos and we are now winding down the study. I love my studies, sharing the word with an awesome group of ladies that also share as you mentioned, empty nest, grandchildren and aging with grace.
