Monday, March 8, 2010

March, Babies, Sewing...

True to the old saying, March came in like a lion!!! The weather is still a little too chilly and damp, but with Claire, Nicole, and David in town for a week we had to make the most of it!! With all of the grandparents, great grandparents, and aunts and uncles living here in Panama City, it was a whirlwind of activity for the new little family. Keeping a close eye on the weather, we managed a trip to the condo one afternoon and took her to the beach (okay...we stood at the top of the walkover and viewed the beach)! We strolled through Carillon and planned future visits when she would wear bathing suits, sunglasses, and big hats!! I can already see the pictures and the scrapbook pages!!

Nicole has taken an interest in sewing lately (all that down time between feedings I guess) and so for her birthday we got her a sewing machine. It came with 98 stitches and enough frustration to make her say....well let's not go there, let's just say that she is very good with a seam ripper. She made some really cute burp cloths (too bad their purpose is to protect clothing from spit up), onesies with ruffled butts, a beautiful baby blanket with minky fabric (I want one), and even tank tops for out J. Crew!!!! Watching her burn the midnight oil brought back memories of when she was little and then again when her sisters were little and I used to craft...stuff. What is it about women who have recently given birth? We think because we've created this perfect human being (as if) that we can be the next Mary Engelbreit or Vera Bradley? I wonder if that is how they got their start?...hmmmm. Anyway, I was all for this expedition into crafting and literally "bought into it" as it provided me with an opportunity to help pick out cute fabric and ribbon and colorful thread....and of course have some extra time with Claire (hence, the pictures)! Claire was a real trooper during our trips to the fabric store and Hobby Lobby (so much little time)!

The week flew by and before we knew it they were packing up the car (that was a feat in itself) to return to Birmingham. Our sweet little Claire has made her mark on Panama City...just ask any of us related to her. I have a stack of pictures and a beautiful scrapbook waiting to chronicle Claire's every move and I would get right on that as scrap booking is my favorite creative outlet, but alas it is the more mundane things in life that require my attention now...such as Gabby (our 11-month-old Yorkie)went into heat and nearly put Wills (our 11-year-old Cocker Spaniel)into a frenzy...wait a minute; he did go into a frenzy! Oh well, this is my life!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about your life! We were in Seaside this past weekend and it made me miss FL so much! This is Morgan, by the way. :)
