Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday To My Favorite Guy

Today is Rich's birthday!  He was born on March 25, 1961 (yes, I married a younger man).  Growing up he lived in West Virginia, Texas, and Louisiana. We were married in 1981. He graduated with a Civil Engineering degree from WVU and we (the two of us and little Nicole)  moved to Panama City, FL.  He went to work for Gulf Asphalt Corp. in the summer of 1983 and he's been there ever since. Two more daughters...a P.E. license...long work weeks...promotions...a change of address a few times...pets...tree rides...boat visits...1st daughter's wedding... a trip across the big pond...more college trips...a condo...a granddaughter...WOW!!!
Rich would be the first to say that he is truly blessed with the best life, best wife, best children, son-in-law, granddaughter, pets, view from his back porch, and even at its most   Today to celebrate his birthday  I want to share, with you who know him very well and you who might not know him well at all, some simple truths about him that blesses all of us who live with him everyday.  He is our rock and we love him dearly!! 
Just a note....while David Letterman remains his favorite late night talk show host, this is not the top ten list type thing....these are just reflections in no particular order : )

1)  He loves sunsets
2)  He is creative...once he used green food coloring to make a St. Patrick's Day dinner...festive
3)  He loved camping trips with the girls... in the back yard
4)  He loves to pick weeds and will pick them anywhere he sees them...anywhere
5) His favorite part of the day when the girls were little....walking in the door and having them run at him 
    squealing with glee
6)  He believes in the benefit of sunscreen and a good hat
7)  He likes the routine of walking to the mailbox in the mornings to get the paper with his favorite dog...Wills
8)  He trusts God in every circumstance...always has...always will
9)  "I am going to watch a little golf" is code for I am going to take a nap
10) He loves the sound of the girls laughing together
11) On Friday nights he likes hors d'oeuvres .... and we have over the years had some interesting  
      ones....there's been everything from bagel bites to chips and salsa to homemade bruschetta and stuffed
      mushroom caps.  So glad he's not too particular!!
12) On the weekends he likes a good book to read (fiction)
13) He is a master at jigsaw puzzles
14) He loves Carrot Cake
15)For vacations...he enjoys a cruise...a hotel on the water
16) One of the great lessons he has taught us to be problem solvers
17) He challenges the Garmin
18) At least once a week he calls me and asks me if I want to go dancing
19) He tells us in times of stress that he would willingly give us both of his kidneys
20) He likes to play poker with his friends on Monday nights..but it's about the friends not the cards
21) He is already the best pop (grand pa)...he thinks Claire is perfect in every way
22) He still says to me "Thanks for being my girlfriend"
23) He will actually watch American Idol with us
24) He likes to do crazy things...karaoke anyone
25) He is a good role model...period


  1. Rich is my hero. Happy Birthday.

  2. Rich is an amazing man, kind, considerate of other and always smiling. Happy Birthday dear friend. Cindy Reimers

  3. Happy Birthday Daddy! You are my hero. I love you!

  4. Rich is a great man. We all love you and are so glad to be family! Love Debbie
