Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sheet Metal and Make Up!

We love Pinterest around our house and lately we have been scouring the website for organization and decorating ideas for college dorm rooms and apartments...alas it is back to school time for Chelsea at the beginning of August and Kate late in August...more of that in another post...

Kate will be in a dorm again this year and is looking for ways to organize her small space.  She loved an idea on pinterest for a magnetic makeup board...so yesterday we tackled it!  For this project you will need a picture frame, fabric, Elmers spray adhesive, and sheet metal.

The girls chose ornate frames (50% off at Michael's) and fabric (40% off at Joannes) that would match their bedding. An 11x14 frame was used for two and an 8x10 for one.  The sheet metal is the key and in our hometown we got it at Coastal Metal Roofing on Business 98 (just past Sherman Avenue).  A little funny back story here...we went to Lowes to get sheet metal..."NOPE we don't carry that stuff."  A nice guy standing at the information desk told us about Coastal Metal Roofing.  I asked where abouts on Business 98...to which he answered with a straight face..."Do you know where Bob's Top Shop is?" 

Did I need to answer this??? I mean, do I look like someone who would know where Bob's Top Shop is located (and did he say top or chop)??? I thanked him and assured him we could find it; and find it we did!  Getting back into the car with our FREE pre-cut pieces of sheet metal, the girls texted their dad and told him that they had an in at Coastal Metal Roofing ;) 

So, after some serious deliberation at the fabric store over which fabric would Isabelle (Kate's roomie at Vandy) like for her board and dark background versus light background...we headed home. 

We tried the peel and stick magnets at first (pictured below)...don't bother
go straight for the heavy duty circle magnets that have
to be hot glued...

Here is Chelsea's...have you ever seen so many eye shadows??

Kate's makeup inventory is much more manageable (hence the 8x10 size)!
Next up on the crafting schedule is a super cute decorative string
of lights...stay tuned!