Sunday, September 20, 2009

Words of Wisdom

It is Sunday evening and in our home that is synonymous with the word ritual. After our busy weekends we always gear up for the work week. This usually includes Katelyn finishing homework, Rich perusing the football game on TV, and me ....well I could be doing just about anything. Tonight, as I am at the computer trying to decide which direction I want to go for my blog (so much to say ha ha), our little Yorkie puppy, Gabby, came running through the sunroom with a chewy stick hanging out of her mouth. Not sure what the breakneck run was all about... as no one was chasing her, but Katelyn glanced up from her homework and in a very motherly voice said "Gabby you really shouldn't run with that in your mouth. You could get hurt." For whatever reason my brain, which was trying to produce some witty thoughts to put down in this blog, immediately switched gears to my children do listen to me when I talk!!!

The words of wisdom I have imparted to my three girls over the years could fill volumes. Of course some of those aforementioned volumes would be repetitive as I have been known to say some things more than once. When they were little it was so straightforward, all warnings were safety related ..."Don't touch; that is hot, sharp, breakable...." As we moved through childhood the directives expanded to include street crossing rules and public restroom etiquette (for some reason "Can't you just wait till we get home?" doesn't work for 3,5,7,9, and pregnant 27 year olds)!

We've been through curfews, driving rules, and cell phone rules (yep, my teenager has texted me to tell me she is on her way home and will be late because she is on empty and must stop immediately for gas...three rules broken right there)!!!!

At the end of the day though I am very thankful that my three girls have survived my mothering and have actually listened and taken into consideration my words of wisdom. The day is quickly approaching when Nicole will become a mother. I have to smile and wonder what her mothering techniques will be. So glad that I get the job of grandma...but that is a topic for another day.

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