Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is Fifty Nifty?

I recently turned 50...actually three days ago. I celebrated with my husband, three daughters, son-in-law, mother and father-in-law, cousin, uncle and a family friend. I chose the restaurant and we spent an evening catching up on news, drinking martinis, overeating delicious food, and dashing out to the bar in the restaurant to catch the latest scores on very important football games. All told it was a wonderful evening spent with the people who matter the most to me...but without a lot of fanfare and hoopla. I had been asked in secret "hey mom do you want a big party...small party...dinner party for 12...a surprise party (how was that supposed to work)? I shook my head no and said just dinner with the family.
I spent some time during my 49th year thinking "What is the big deal about turning fifty?" No one treats me any differently at 49 than they did, say, five years ago. But then one day my husband (18 months my junior) sauntered smugly into the kitchen with the mail; and yes he sauntered!!! "Here's something for you," he stated trying to keep a straight face. My AARP application had arrived in the mail. Who are these people and how do they know I am about to turn 50 when the lady in Dillards I've bought shoes from for years is stunned to find this out!!!

So I began to ponder this milestone and decided to brainstorm some ideas about how I could turn my 50th year into an event. I toyed with ideas of doing something landmark during this year...you know, like run a marathon (I ran the Disney Half Marathon in 2005, so if I concentrate I can imagine the hours I would log doing short runs, long runs, and coming up with reasons for no runs....oh the pain).

I've thought of reading through the Bible, and yes, that I may do, as I am only three days behind at this point and have read some parts so many times I may be able to skim and therefore catch up. I have thought of learning a foreign language...not a useful one such as Spanish...not a refresher of French which I took for seven years through high school and college (I've read Candide by Voltaire...in French, and only like to read Le Petit Prince in French). No, I want to learn Italian, because Italy is my absolute favorite country to travel in, and after three fabulous trips there I figure it is time to learn the language.

I've thought of totally, finally, and once and for all organizing all of my closets to perfection. I've read Alexandra Stoddard and realize that I am somewhat lacking in the well appointed pantry and linen closet; I just tend to get caught up in the whole unloading of the closets and being brutal about getting rid of stuff.

Last, but not least, I've thought of re-reading my very favorite books(there are only five) and while that seems like a really grand thing, I would have to stay out of bookstores until this was accomplished...something I am not certain I have the will power to do. You see, next to shoes and purses...I love books.

So with many possibilities before me and no lack of daily duties to distract me, my 50th did arrive among news of the upcoming birth of our very first grandchild and the departure of yet another daughter going off to college. What have I decided to do to mark, in some significant way, my 50th year? Well stay tuned because there are days when I just have to laugh and think to myself; No Really...This is my life.

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