Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome to the Weekend!

Hooray it's the weekend...and it's going to be a nice one so maybe we will go out to the condo for some R&R.  I will take these...

And my cute little Gabby!

What are you doing for the weekend?


  1. Still trying to sift through all my "stuff" and clean out my closets!! But, I will be escaping to the beach for some R&R!

  2. Probably going to the condo with my dear wife. Read books, drive around, have lunch, clean around the condo of yard debris...Maybe a movie, but I doubt it.

  3. Can't wait to hear what you think of Sarah's Key! Enjoy your weekend. Gorgeous weather here, too but our Saturday was filled with all fun, indoor activities....small group breakfast, discipleship class at church, childbirth class, haircuts, and assembling nursery furniture! Crazy!!

  4. I am going to create something beautiful! This weekend I am at Quilter’s Paradise Retreat going on over the bridge. Been coming home at night to sleep in my own bed. Reading Where Woman Create has been keeping me up late. The articles are so inspirational! Kim and Kris (twins) in the magazine give a Tip i would like to share this weekend... “Always have a can-do attitude. This kind of positive thinking will present opportunities you never thought possible."
