Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year...New Beginnings

There is so much going on in our little family right now and I woke up this morning  with that special sense of energy that comes with new beginnings.

  Katelyn went off to school this morning, the beginning of her last semester in high school.  Because I know that she is ready to move on and experience new adventures I can understand her attitude a bit.  But I am praying for her this morning that she do that age-old thing of "stopping to smell the roses." Graduation is just around the corner along with the trips abroad and then the big move to Vanderbilt.  High school has its charms and a certain lack of stress (believe it or not)...Enjoy!

Chelsea will be leaving in a couple of days to head back up to Auburn.  Last summer she decided that she wanted to go to Pharmacy school and suddenly she finds herself at a crossroads.  By the end of the spring semester she will have fulfilled the pharmacy prerequisites and if she wants she can move on...  Well...there's still the PCAT,  Pharmacy internship hours, and applications to Pharmacy schools...big stuff for a 20 year old...and something that will require prayer, lots of reflection...and some pros/cons lists!! Meanwhile she will attack another villainous organic chemistry class, cheer for Cam and the gang in the BCS national championship game, and dream about that boy who puts the sparkle in her smile!

Nicole and David are happily swamped in daily life as Claire turns one next Tuesday (so hard to believe). They have both grown into parenthood with grace as they manage to keep all the balls in the air while juggling their busy schedules.  There are times when I wish we lived closer so I could do little things to make their days easier.  But I realize this is their adventure and there is peace in knowing  that they are all healthy, happy, and enjoying life.

As for Rich and I...this coming year will be one of many changes.  We see it coming and instead of anxiety or dread, we are going to take it one day at a time.  There are adventures awaiting the two of us in 2011 and beyond and there is no other person I would want to go down this road I consider myself blessed. 

I hope that you are looking forward to the blessings of 2011...let's pray for each other and God's very best for us all!

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