Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Random Thoughts for the End of October

How did October get away from me? 

There was the quick trip up to Birmingham to hang out with Claire...

Gabby had her annual vet appointment...she needs to lose one pound...which in the world of a yorkie is a lot! Maybe she only needs a haircut!!

Rich and I walked the bridge one night at sunset...very pleasant...but probably didn't count as exercise!

I did some fall decorating...

Kate and her friends enjoyed carving pumpkins!

We attended a costume party as the Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter...I look at this and think...why?

Katelyn hit the submit button for her college application to Vanderbilt...

We went to see Steel Magnolia's at Kaleidoscope Theater...my cousin Sue was fabulous in the part of Claree...pictured here at a recent rehearsal...

Nicole and Claire came for a weekend visit...we enjoyed tea at the newly opened Willows...

A stroll through downtown Panama City...

As always...Pop enjoyed every moment!

And we continued to root for Chelsea's AUBURN Tigers...the latest #1 team in the BCS poll!

Enjoy the rest of October, soon it will be time to talk turkey!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming to the play. I am glad you enjoyed it. Sue
