Wednesday, December 16, 2009 it's time to make merry and get into the holiday spirit for sure. If you haven't got the tree up, the cookies made, the presents at least purchased, and the cards out the're not alone!! I have been working on Christmas since Thanksgiving and am still in the midst of that magical frenzy that I have always thrived on. This year is going to be a "Christmas to Remember" (hmmm isn't that an Amy Grant song?) as we will be taking Christmas on the road and spending the holidays up in Birmingham with Nicole and David. Very much a family of traditions...I am trying to maintain as many as possible while also trying to downsize...yes I said downsize; I can always make up for it next year!! So following my children's lead we will attend Christmas Eve service, take a drive around Birmingham neighborhoods to enjoy the decorations, and open one gift before bed...the annual Christmas matching pjs (can't wait for that fashion show)!! We will also have our big dinner on Christmas Eve which is a first for us. On Christmas morning we will have our traditional breakfast and then enjoy opening gifts and relaxing...I think we might even go to the movies in the afternoon as there are some coming out that we all want to see (this is another first, at least for me...).

We are all so focused on the arrival of Claire that the usual fun and frenzy of Christmas pales a little. I think this is a good thing and definitely a God thing for us as we realize that our family is truly going to be blessed by this tiny miracle who will soon change our world.

So, yes, I am only half way through my Christmas card list, there are still presents to be bought and wrapped, and our hearts and minds are somewhere else...and it's grand!!

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