Monday, May 7, 2012

Oil Cloth...Why Do I Love This Stuff??

While in Nashville for the Music City Half Marathon...we went to a little boutique in Hillsboro Village that Kate likes...Pangaea

Yep...loads of really cool stuff, like these lamps...

 This is also where my sudden unexplainable obsession with oil cloth began...

I have named my latest board on Pinterest...Oil Cloth Wonders  I bought this book for Nicole in Pangaea along with 3 yards of oil cloth...thinking that she might make herself a giant shopping tote that she can use to go to the farmer's market in her new neighborhood!!!

Today while out running a dozen errands I ran across this cute child-sized oil cloth (actually,it is probably more like vinyl covered fabric) apron.  This will be great for Claire who is surely going to be fingerpainting any day now ;)

It almost makes me want to take up sewing...ehhhh...nope...I will just wait for Nicole to get settled into that new dream house and then I will show up with some cool oil cloth and beg for a tablecloth for my sun room table!!


So many choices!!