Monday, April 23, 2012

Yard Sales, Mermaids, and Decorating I am always the last one on board for anything (remember Gilmore Girls...Downton Abbey...) but when I get on it I AM ON IT.  I have watched NBC news for decades.  The Today Show has been my show since, well do Jane Pauley and Tom Brokaw ring a bell??? So when I was wandering through HGTV a few days ago and happened upon Lara Spencer of Good Morning America decorating her friend's house using yard sale stuff...I thought...Who is this?

Who is this?...just the cutest and hippest gal to once again make buying someone elses cast-offs the IN thing.  I watched the show (same name as the book) mesmerized and on Saturday when Rich and I were over in Destin, escaping a rainy day at PF Changs, Barnes and Nobles, and the movies, I picked up her book.  Perfect timing for my trip up to Nicole's at the end of the week, because amidst all of the packing and her AP English exams coming up soon for her seniors...she will have loads of time to pour through this idea book :)

Now I know that thrifting has been around forever...I have, over the years, done several makeovers on Goodwill finds.  At this point in my life, I have no room for more cool tables and dressers...but I love thinking of the possibilities...such as this wonderful dresser I saw yesterday at the Beach House Market on Hwy 98 just west of Hwy 79...
For this price, any one of my girls could turn this into a cool painted chest for clothes or linens or sewing stuff...

I move on though...I am looking for something vintage Florida for the family room at the condo...something like this...maybe...
or maybe the tin mermaid....ha ha

While I contemplate "art" I will leave you with this article about decorating on a budget by Lara Spencer.

*not certain if you can tell the word article is lighter than the rest of the on it and it will take you to the actual article!