Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Last Supper...Beouf Bourguignon

Tomorrow night is Chelsea's last supper before leaving for Auburn.  She says she's not coming home till Thanksgiving this year soooo we wanted a memorable dinner.  After much thought we are going to tackle Beouf Bourguignon from Julia Child's  Mastering the Art of French Cooking!  I know it doesn't seem like a light summer recipe...but it is supreme comfort food (if you get it right) and we love that in our house!!

 I own a copy of this cookbook and have read the Introduction to the Anniversary Edition by Julia Child, The Story of "Mastering" at Knopf by Judith Jones, both Forewards, the table of contents,the chapters on kitchen equipment, definitions, ingredients, cutting, wine, and at least 25 recipes. I have yet to attempt one...I am admittedly very intimidated by the whole French accent that I can hear in my head as I wistfully gaze at the recipes.  Well, no more.  Tomorrow we (cause it takes a village when I venture out sometimes) are going to "master"  this beef stew recipe and then move on to dessert which will be Crepes Nutella...keepin it
all french!

This brings me round to the movie Julie & Julia...I loved this movie! It had cooking, Meryl Streep, cheap pearls, blogging, mishaps and mayhem in the kitchen, and a happy ending!!   

So, if things don't get too "dicey" in the kitchen tomorrow I will attempt some pictures of the process and our dinner...stay tuned...and Bon Apetit!


  1. This sounds delicious! We are huge fans of Nutella crepes at my house. Oh and btw, the chef in the pic above next to Meryl Streep is my cousin Phil! He is a chef in NYC and got to be in the movie! Bon Apetit!

  2. Once again, too lazy to sign in to my account... It's me, Kathy!

  3. I was thinking it was you and ofcourse your cousin got to be in the movie...AWESOME!
