Tuesday, April 26, 2011

11 in 11 the April Book Club Update and a Give Away!!

Before April gets away I need to do a book club update!  I have actually been reading alot this month.  I started the first book of the Josephine B. trilogy.  It is written from her perspective in diary form and so it gives snippets of her life growing up on a tropical island and then moving to Paris to marry a distant cousin.  Historical facts are interwoven with the author's suggestion of how her life might have played out.  I definitely plan on finishing the series before our trip to Paris in July.

During a weekend of doing absolutely nothing...did I actually have one of those??...I read Off Season by Anne Rivers Siddons.  A family saga that takes place on the coast of Maine, it has all of the elements of a simply good read~love...disappointment...tragedy...resilience! As I said I read it in a weekend at the beach...I love those kind of days :) 

I am still plodding along through A Tale of Two Cities and am seriously thinking about getting it on cd so I can listen to it this week on my quick trip up to Auburn.  Maybe listening to 7 and a half hours of it will get all the characters and the plot lines implanted in my brain and it will be easier to finish...this year!  The good thing about listening...I won't be tempted to look things up and write in the book...as if I am going to look at it again ( and I am further than chapter 2 that was just one of the more decorated pages)!

I have also spent a lot of time in the bible and finally loaded it onto Rich's kindle and I took it with me last week when I was out of town. I am not all the way through the new testament so I will continue with that into May...but that is okay because it is the best reading I do during the day...

And finally, I love picture books (if you didn't know)...and this month I read this very very favorite one of mine...
PJ Funnybunny is the star of this book.  He is a very lovable bunny who comes from a very large family and feels lost.  So in this story he decides to run away from home and join the family of another animal...because surely they have a better, easier, more fun life than he!!  He tries out several different animal lives and guess what...there's no place like home...the grass is not greener on the other side...my family may be wild, weird, and strange, but they are MINE (okay you get all of the lessons learned).  PJ is in several books and I just love his sometimes flawed optimism. He gets himself into some interesting situations and things don't go his way but he always comes away realizing what a great bunny he is!  Sometimes I mentally "give" the PJ funnybunny award to someone...it is a great strategy for putting life into perspective!

That is my reading update and now I want to hear from you...even if you have not officially joined my 11 in 11 book club (it is never too late) you can still comment and let us know what you are reading and what you are thinking about what you are reading...

And I haven't done one in awhile so I am going to do a give away with this post.  The first 4 to comment about what they are reading and whether they recommend the book (or not)...will get a copy of
 It's Not Easy Being a Bunny!!

Happy Reading :)


  1. I just read Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter. It's a murder mystery set in Mississippi. It was a decent read but not the best book I read this year that takes place in Mississippi (that award goes to The Help). For AP, I am reading Crime and Punishment and really liking it so far. I might switch things up next year and dump Heart of Darkness in favor of it.

    Looking forward to summer, though and some fun books! I go to bookclub on Thursday so I'm looking forward to what's on the horizon.

  2. I just finished Dan Brown's the Lost Symbol and it was just so, so. I enjoyed it mainly because of all the DC references and the fact that my grandfather was a mason. I would reccommend it if you're just looking for a fun read and not expecting too much.

    I have read a few of Anne Siddons books; The Colony, Peachtree Road and Outer Banks, they wer all good books, I love a good beach read! I am going to have to check out Off Season.

    I just started the Devil in White City and so far it's really good. I am ashamed to admit I have quit reading Atlas Shrugged for now... oyyyy! I am determined to finish it though, I just needed a break.

  3. I just finished reading Water for Elephants, which I loved, save for a few off color scenes and some language. It really made me think about our culture and country during the Depression. There were a lot of people hurting for money and food and some would do anything to get both.
    I also just read(in 2 days) the last Karen Kingsbury series, Take One-Four. I loved all of them and was really glad I had them all at once to find out what happened to the characters, instead of reading one at a time as they came out over the past 2 years. Now she is on to a new series and I might just wait for 2 years again, just so I can read them all at once.
    I read on my trip home from TN, a book called Sworn to Protect by Diann Mills, a Christian fiction. GREAT mystery book about the Border Patrol and illegal immigrants crossing borders in TX. I highly suggest this one. None of these books were on my 11 in 11, but I am reading, so I guess that is good. I also purchased several new books for Peyton, who like his mom, LOVES to be read to. I can't wait for my scholastic order to come in this week!

  4. I am in the midst of reading "The Great Wildcatter" by Sam Mallison, copyright 1953. It is the story of Michael Late Benedum's active life in the oil business. He was a poor West Virginia boy who made and lost millions in oil...a most interesting story of his life. I think it is a great read if you have a passion for the oil/gas business (which I do). The book was recommended to me by my husband...a petroleum engineer.
