Monday, September 13, 2010

The TV Guide

Now that back-to-school has turned into how many days until Thanksgiving break...and football season is underway,  next up is the beginning of the new TV season.  So I am all conflicted...should I take the plunge and actually commit to a TV show on a weekly basis? Or should I continue on my present course of waiting till a show is in its third or fourth season and finally give in to pressure and "try it" only to be swept up in a frenzy of marathon sessions in which I complete an entire season in a few days...much to the demise of the rest of my life.  In my defense this habit started back when I worked.  I really didn't have time to come home at night and watch TV.  My girls were involved in, piano, dance, cheer leading...and I had to wait for summer to have enough down time to even think about TV!  It was actually during one summer long ago that I first found Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars.  The girls and I would schedule life around our marathon sessions! We loved the immediacy of the whole thing.  No cliffhangers!

So let's recount the list of my favorite shows that I have watched (or am watching) well after the fact.

Gilmore Girls (Lorilei and Rory...grow up together...yep they are mother/daughter)

Veronica Mars (Nancy Drew with a twist...or two...or three)

Alias (Lots of good guys and bad guys sometimes a challenge to know who is who)

The Closer (I identify with Brenda Lee for some reason...possibly the cute sweaters she wears and the junkfood drawer!)

24 (Rich and I are still working on this one...7 seasons is a long time)

Glee (Season One...I now watch it weekly)

And just last week Kate and I started Friday Night Lights (have I mentioned that I like football?) there a show out there that you are rearranging your schedule to make time for?  If so (and assuming it's not in season 5) tell me...should I commit?  What is your favorite show? 

And to wrap this up...I am at this moment (by chance) watching Oprah's opening show for her 25th and final season and really...why didn't I become a fan of hers years ago?  I could be in that studio audience right now...and going to AUSTRALIA...


  1. Jordan, Carter & I were so hooked on Gilmore Girls, LOVED that show. (btw, Lauren Graham, is on that new show Parenthood and it's really good) I hear everyone raving about Glee but have yet to see it. We are hooked on Project Runway and Top Chef, both are awesome. Oh, and Flipping Out - I love Jeff Lewis...but the first couple seasons were the best. I guess we're pretty much hooked on the BRAVO channel, Ken refuses to watch the Real Housewives with us... SUCH a terribly guilty pleasure but I can't help myself!

    But, my favorite all time show has to be FRASIER!! I never really watched it when it was on, but I tell you it is some of the BEST writing EVER. I started getting all the seasons on dvd and watching them when I had to be up in the middle of the night with Reese. Do yourself a favor and buy a few seasons... you will thank me, I swear!!

  2. GREY'S ANATOMY for sure. But definitely on DVD...the cliffhangers are killer!

  3. I love Parenthood with Lauren Graham. I bet the first season is coming out on dvd soon so you could catch up. PLUS you have a dvr and could record season 2 as it airs until you're ready.

    David and I love House and MadMen, too.

    My current guilty pleasure is The Vampire Diaries. Season 1 just came out on DVD and season 2 just started (THursday nights). It would be a great gift for Kate or Chels or both :)

    Oh and I want to take credit for introducing you to Alias AND Veronica Mars. You're welcome.

  4. Thanks for the comments...I am thinking I might need to check out Parenthood...and I probably should learn how to use the dvr this year while I still have Katelyn in the house!!!

    Chrissy... my girls (all 3) loved Grey's Anatomy...I watched for awhile too!

    And Yes Nicole you are my go-to for the latest in must-see TV..or should I say was...I think you're too busy now although there is that dvr thing!
