Sunday, June 27, 2010

Packing, Packing, Packing....

We are getting ready for our big family vacation to Italy this coming Thursday. Yikes, packing must start tomorrow!!! Those that have traveled with me know that I am a horrible packer (maybe Chelsea is the worst, but let's be honest, she learned it from me).  I take everything and then a couple of extras cause you never know...I also am known to pack different purses to match....and then there are all the shoes and the jewelry.  It's bad that my poor husband refuses to lug my suitcases around (and this man rarely refuses me anything)!

I've read all the tips about being a savvy traveler and how I should buy 6 clothing items that actually can combine to make up to 12 outfits!!!  It doesn't work for me...for one I am no good at tying long pieces of fabric into skirts, etc.   So the best I have come up with is that I travel with three basic colors....always black and usually white and red.  That way I can eliminate all the different shoes, sweaters, jackets, and purses. While this method has helped...I still find myself wanting to take that super cute hot pink floral something that requires....well you get it.  So... I need help and fast. 

I am looking for the best packing tip you've got....some way to lighten my load but not feel like I am backpacking through Europe!!  Send me your tip (you can use the comment button at the end of this post)..if it helps me streamline my packing then I will have some extra room in my luggage and I will bring you something special back from Italy!!  If it's a REALLY good tip, Rich will probably bring you back something too!! 

Don't delay cause I am leaving this Thursday and  I zip up the suitcase at 8 am!!


  1. Okay, so here's my tip: Take the bare minimum and a collapsible (large) bag in your luggage... You will then HAVE TO to buy some of those lovely Italian clothes so that you aren't forced to trudge around in the "bare minimum" that you brought with you... just to make your husband happy! If you need any more travel tips, just let me know! :)

  2. Here is a thought - Wear your clothes for two days each. This will cut 50% on clothing which will save much more that the double deodorant that this strategy would require.
